
斯坦 (單位)

1 sn相当于
   MTS單位制   1 t⋅m/s2
   SI單位制   1 kN
   英國重力單位制   224.8089英磅力

斯坦sthènesthéne[1]sthene[2])縮寫為sn,是米-公噸-秒制的單位,是在1919年引入法國的[3]。此單位在1876年由英国学术协会英语British Association提出時,其名稱為funal,在1914年改為目前的名稱[1]米-公噸-秒制被後來的米-公斤-秒制國際單位制所取代,此單位也很少被使用[2]

1 斯坦 = 1 千牛頓[4]
102.0 千克力
224.8 磅力
7233 磅達英语poundal


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Fenna, Donald. m. t. s. system. A Dictionary Of Weights, Measures, and Units. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. 2002: 281. ISBN 019-860522-6. sthéne force. Symbol sn. Metric-m.t.s. That which produces an acceleration of 1 m·s−2 when applied to a mass of 1 t[onne] = 1 kN. Originally called the funal when proposed by the British Association in 1876, it was renamed by 1914. It was authorized in France by statute of 1919 as part of the m–t–s system. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Fenna, Donald. m. t. s. system. A Dictionary Of Weights, Measures, and Units. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. 2002: 190. ISBN 019-860522-6. m.t.s system (Metric-m.t.s., also MTS system)…In the m.t.s. system the unit of force, for example, is the sthene, which gives an acceleration of 1 m·s−2 to a body of 1 t[onne]… 
  3. ^ New units in the metric system—legally adopted in France. Scientific American Monthly. New York: Scientific American. 1920: 152. ISSN 0740-6495. OCLC 1765222. 
  4. ^ International conversion tables Stephen Naft, Ralph De Sola, P. H. Bigg – 1965 "Sthène (sn) per square metre. This also equals 10000 dyn/cm2."