


神经典型Neurotypical英文neurologically typical縮寫NT),最初是自闭症社群生造用于指明那些不在自闭症谱系上的人。[1]其后发展为泛指无神经学特异表现的人:换言之,即无自闭症、阅读障碍发展性协调障碍双相情感障碍注意力缺陷过动症,或其他类似情况的人。

这个词已经被「allistic」和「nypical」替代,原本拥有相同涵义。[2] 这个概念后来被神經多样化(Neurodiversity)和科学团体采用。[3][4][5]

英國自闭症協會(National Autistic Society)建議,雖然可以使用 neuroptypical 一詞,但也指出該詞主要係由自閉症者使用,因此可能不適用於大眾媒體等處。[6]


  1. ^ Sinclair, Jim. A note about language and abbreviations. 1998. (原始内容存档于2008-06-06). 
  2. ^ Cashin, A.; Sci, D. A. Two terms—one meaning: the conundrum of contemporary nomenclature in autism. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing. 2006, 19 (3): 137–144. PMID 16913963. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6171.2006.00061.x. 
  3. ^ Hare, D. J.; Jones, S.; Evershed, K. A comparative study of circadian rhythm functioning and sleep in people with Asperger syndrome. Autism. November 2006, 10 (6): 565–575. PMID 17088273. doi:10.1177/1362361306068509. 
  4. ^ O’Connor, K.; Hamm, J. P.; Kirk, I. J. The neurophysiological correlates of face processing in adults and children with Asperger's syndrome (PDF). Brain and Cognition. October 2005, 59 (1): 82–95. PMID 16009478. doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2005.05.004. 
  5. ^ Myles, Brenda Smith; Huggins, Abigail; Rome-Lake, Maleia; Hagiwara, Taku; Barnhill, Gena P.; Griswold, Deborah E. Written language profile of children and youth with Asperger syndrome: From research to practice (PDF). Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities. December 2003, 38 (4): 362–369 [2014-11-01]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2014-11-01). 
  6. ^ How to talk and write about autism. National Autistic Society. [2022-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-07).