


世界獸醫日(World Veterinary Day)是世界獸醫協會(World Veterinary Association, WVA)倡導的一個節日,日期為每年4月的最後一個周六[1]

2008年,世界獸醫協會與世界動物衛生組織(OIE)共同設立了世界獸醫日獎(World Veterinary Day Award)。


  • 2023:Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusiveness in the Veterinary Profession 在獸醫職業中倡導多樣性、公平性和包容性[2]
  • 2022:Strengthening Veterinary Resilience 提升獸醫抗逆力
  • 2021:Veterinarian response to the Covid-19 crisis 獸醫應對Covid-19危機
  • 2020:Environmental Protection for Improving Animal and Human health 保護環境以促進動物與人類的健康
  • 2019:Value of Vaccination 疫苗接種的價值
  • 2018:The role of the Veterinary Profession in Sustainable Development to improve livelihoods, food security and safety 獸醫在可持續發展中發揮著改善人們生活和保障食品安全的重要作用
  • 2017: Antimicrobial Resistance-from Awareness to Action 遏制細菌耐藥性-從了解到行動
  • 2016: Continuing Education with One Health Focus 獸醫繼續教育,聚焦同一個健康
  • 2015: Vector-borne Diseases with a Zoonotic Potential 蟲媒傳染病:一種具有人獸共患風險的傳染病
  • 2014: Animal Welfare 動物福利
  • 2013: Vaccinations 疫苗接種
  • 2012: Antimicrobial resistance 細菌耐藥性
  • 2011: Rabies 狂犬病
  • 2010: One World, One Health: more cooperation between veterinarians and physicians 同一個世界,同一個健康:獸醫與人醫合作更緊密
  • 2009: Veterinarians and livestock farmers, a winning partnership 獸醫及畜禽飼養者:一種成功的夥伴關係
  • 2008: The diversity of the Veterinary profession 獸醫職業的多樣性


  1. ^ 中国兽医协会. www.cvma.org.cn. [2023-04-30]. [失效連結]
  2. ^ World Veterinary Day theme announced!. [2023-04-30]. (原始內容存檔於2023-05-19).