

科学分类 编辑
域: 细菌域 Bacteria
界: 细菌界 Bacteria
门: 變形菌門 Pseudomonadota
纲: α-变形菌纲 Alphaproteobacteria
目: 根瘤菌目 Rhizobiales
Kuykendall, 2006



Hyphomicrobiales 生丝微菌目


具有会固氮作用和与植物根系共生根瘤菌出现在几个不同的科中。 四个科中的慢生根瘤菌科生毛霉菌科英语Hyphomicrobiaceae,Phyllobacteriaceae,和根瘤菌科至少含有6个固氮的,豆类结瘤的微生物共生菌。 例子是慢生根瘤菌属根瘤菌属。 Methylocystaceae的种属是甲烷氧化菌英语甲烷营养生物; 它们使用甲醇(CH3OH)或甲烷(CH4)作为唯一的能源和碳源。 其他重要属是人类病原体巴尔通体科布鲁氏菌科,以及农杆菌属遗传工程)。




  • Kuykendall, L. D. and Dazzo, F.B. 2005. Allorhizobium. In Brenner, Krieg, Staley and Garrity (Editors), The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta- and Epsilonproteobacteria, The Proteobacteria, Part C, Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd. Ed., Vol. 2, Springer, New York, NY, pp. 345–346.
  • Kuykendall, L. D. 2005 Genus Azorhizobium. In Brenner, Krieg, Staley and Garrity (Editors), The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta- and Epsilonproteobacteria, The Proteobacteria, Part C, Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd. Ed.,Vol. 2, Springer, New York, NY, pp. 505–506.
  • Kuykendall, L.D. 2005. Genus Bradyrhizobium, family Bradyrhizobiaceae. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition, 2nd Volume. George Garrity, (Ed.) Springer–Verlag, New York, NY, pp. 438–443.
  • Chen, W. X., E.T. Wang, and L.D. Kuykendall. 2005. Genus Mesorhizobium, Family Photobacteriaceae. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition, 2nd Volume. George Garrity, (Ed.) Springer–Verlag, New York, NY, pp. 403–408.,
  • Kuykendall, L.D., J.M. Young, E. Martínez-Romero, A. Kerr, and H. Sawada. 2005. Genus Rhizobium, a highly divergent genus in a revised family, the Rhizobiaceae. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition, 2nd Volume. George Garrity, (Ed.) Springer–Verlag, New York, NY, pp. 324–340.
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