





性別轉換过程之中,部分跨性別者非二元性別者會弃用較显原先性别特征的旧名字,改用更符合其性別認同的新名字。在2010年代,跨性別權益運動者推廣使用「deadname」(直譯為「死名」)一詞指代這些人士的舊名。牛津英語詞典(英語:Oxford English Dictionary)已在2021年6月的季度更新当中收录名词兼动词「deadname」及动词性名词「deadnaming」。更新内容介绍指出,「deadname」一字首度有人使用是在2010年的Twitter上,而其動詞形式及「deadnaming」一字首见于2013年。[4]該詞通常带有讥讽意味,暗指使用旧名指代他人是无法接受之行径。


歷史學教授和酷兒文化學者Christopher Reed認為反對使用棄名錯稱「不利于(当事人)为实现自我接納和融合而做出努力」。[8]Grace Lavery則辯稱,學術自由原則並不包含使用棄名錯稱的自由。[9]圍繞棄名錯稱行为是否具有正当性的争论亦在LGBT社群內部引发争论,其中有些人認為使用棄名錯稱本身就是一種显而易见的伤害(a tangible harm),有些人則形容打击棄名錯稱行为与经营「再教育营」相似。[10]

酷兒現象學者Lucas Crawford推论,部分跨性別者堅持制止他人使用棄名錯稱,一部分理由是能够将出面制止作为策略,「通過堅决将当下放在首位,或意图抹去過去,抑或甚至在情感层面上将『真實自我』定位在未来这一无从捉摸之地」,畅想「未来性別轉換更易实现、醫療保健及住房资源更充分、薪资更易维持生计、社會活力更充沛」,以便维护自己对前途的愿景及期盼。[11]糾正他人使用棄名錯稱之错误行径亦被列为支持跨性別者的一種方式。[12]




互聯網電影資料庫(IMDb)在2019年修訂其對於演員姓名的嚴格政策,允許演員從其官方简介页面中修改及移除其本名及棄用名。這個政策的變動是緣由於跨性別演員拉薇安·考克斯指出,像IMDb一样的亞馬遜子公司使用棄名錯稱是「最大惡意的侮辱」,且有GLAAD發言人尼克·亞當斯英语Nick Adams (actor, born 1983)認同並指棄名錯稱是「侵犯隱私權」,引發對媒體後設資料采用棄用名做法的抗議。IMDb發表聲明指出其政策修改,容許在本名鲜为人知且該当事人不再願意使用該名字的情況下,由当事人自己或派出业界代表聯絡該公司的客服人員以提出申请。一旦IMDb团队确定应当移除某人本名,在流程约束之下,团队会在其生平介绍頁面上检查并移除每一处本名。[14]

在2020年12月,因應演員艾略特·佩吉公開自己跨性別身份,媒體串流平台Netflix将佩吉的女性棄用名「愛倫·佩姬(Ellen Page)」從一些電影演職人員名單中移除,涉及由佩吉出演女性角色的《迷走青春英语The Tracey Fragments》、《Juno少女孕記》、《水果硬糖》等等。作家Grayson Gilcrease研究推測,Netflix作出此番舉動是因为佩吉在電視劇《雨傘學院》中深得观众喜爱。[15]IMDb亦在2020年修改了艾略特·佩吉的元數據以反映其偏好名字。[16]

2021年3月12日,北卡罗来纳州公共指導部英语North Carolina Department of Public Instruction宣佈,其學區公立學校學生可在學生資料系統上隐去其法定姓名,改以展示自己登记的偏好用名(preferred name),而法定姓名將只見於不公開成績單等最私密文件上。[17]这项改革能够在州報告、學生成績單和教師成績冊上杜绝棄名錯稱发生[18];而在2021年6月,維基農場網站Fandom宣佈新的LGBT政策,禁止在其下轄網站中棄名錯稱跨性別人士。[19]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Sinclair-Palm, Julia. "It's Non-Existent": Haunting in Trans Youth Narratives about Naming. Occasional Paper Series. 2017-05-01, 2017 (37) [2022-04-23]. ISSN 2375-3668. (原始内容存档于2022-01-11). Originating in the trans community, the term "deadnaming" describes calling a trans person by their birth name after they have adopted a new name. The act of deadnaming has the effect of "outing," or making public, a trans person's identity. Deadnaming is sometimes accidental, as when a friend or family member is still adjusting to a trans person's new name and unintentionally calls them by their birth name. However, there are also many times when trans people are addressed by their birth name as a way to aggressively dismiss and reject their gender identity and new name. 
  2. ^ Stanborough, Rebecca. She/He/They/Them: Understanding Gender Identity. Capstone. 2020-02 [2022-04-23]. ISBN 978-0-7565-6561-9. (原始内容存档于2022-04-18) (英语). 
  3. ^ 吳馨恩. 什麼是「棄名錯稱」?為何它是性騷擾與性別歧視?|吳馨恩. G點電視. 2016-11-13 [2022-05-18]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-12) (中文(香港)). 
  4. ^ Oh my days! It's the OED June 2021 update. Oxford English Dictionary. 2021-06-08 [2022-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-18) (英语). This update also adds a cluster of new entries reflecting wider discussion and understanding of gender—and especially trans—identities which does represent a fairly recent lexical development. Deadname as both noun and verb and the verbal noun deadnaming make their OED debut this quarter. The noun deadname is first recorded from a 2010 Twitter post, while the verb and deadnaming both date to 2013. 
  5. ^ Deadnaming A Trans Person Is Violence – So Why Does The Media Do It Anyway?. HuffPost. 2017-03-17 [2020-01-02]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-25) (英语). 
  6. ^ Freeman, Lauren; Stewart, Heather. Toward a Harm-Based Account of Microaggressions. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 2021-09, 16 (5): 1008–1023 [2022-04-23]. ISSN 1745-6916. PMID 34498530. S2CID 237454133. doi:10.1177/17456916211017099. (原始内容存档于2022-02-24). Such microaggressions consist in more than simply using the wrong name; rather, they cut to the core of and question the recipient’s identity and self-understanding. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Rogers, Baker A. Trans Men in the South: Becoming Men. Rowman & Littlefield. 2020-01-31 [2022-04-23]. ISBN 978-1-7936-0034-9. (原始内容存档于2022-02-11) (英语). 
  8. ^ Reed, Christopher. Axiomatic (PDF). 2018-11-22 [2020-05-26]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2018-11-22). Pronouncing death sentences may fulfill fantasies of authority, but describing parts of anyone's history and experience as "dead" inhibits efforts toward self-acceptance and integration. 
  9. ^ Lavery, Grace. Grad School As Conversion Therapy. BLARB. [2020-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-20) (美国英语). 
  10. ^ Conversion Therapy v. Re-education Camp: Open Letter to Grace Lavery. BLARB. [2020-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-13) (美国英语). 
  11. ^ Crawford, Lucas. What's Next is the Past. A/B: Auto/Biography Studies. 2019-01-02, 34 (1): 147–150. ISSN 0898-9575. S2CID 188098200. doi:10.1080/08989575.2019.1542845. by insisting on the primacy of the present, by seeking to erase the past, or even by emotionally locating their 'real self' in the future, that elusive place where access (to transition, health care, housing, a livable wage, and so on) and social viability tend to appear more abundant. 
  12. ^ Johnson, Hannah Lee. Rhetorics of trans allyship, toward an ethic of responsible listening and ally labor. University of Iowa. 2019春 [2020-08-03]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-21). 
  13. ^ Fortin, Jacey. New Policy Aims to Help Transgender Researchers Update Names on Old Work. The New York Times. 2021-07-28 [2021-08-28]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-20). 
  14. ^ Shoard, Catherine. IMDb changes names policy after transgender protest. The Guardian (London). 2019-08-13 [2021-08-28]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-07). 
  15. ^ Gilcrease, Grayson. Netflix Is Making a Change For Elliot Page. www.imbd.com. Popsugar. [2021-08-28]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-29). 
  16. ^ Going for Broke (TV Movie 2003). Internet Movie Database. 2003-07-14 [2021-08-28]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-08). 
  17. ^ 【跨性別兒童保命符】美北卡學校新策:學生採「認同姓名」非「法定姓名」. 蘋果新聞網. 2021-04-07 [2022-05-18]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-21) (中文(臺灣)). 
  18. ^ Broverman, Neal. North Carolina Ends Deadnaming of Students on Report Cards, Documents. The Advocate (Los Angeles). 2021-03-12 [2021-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-16). 
  19. ^ Whitbrook, James. Fandom Launches New LGBTQIA+ Guidelines for All Its Wikis. io9. Gizmodo. 2021-06-24 [2021-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-27).