
Template:Round in circles

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该模板是一个讨论页的信息框模板,用于提醒编者该页面过去的讨论中可能有有用信息。模板的基本用法是在讨论页的顶部添加{{Round in circles}}



为了方便编者搜索讨论页的存档,默认情况本模板中会包含一个搜索栏。搜索栏可以通过调整参数|search=no来关闭。通常只有在其他模板,如{{Talk header}}已经提供了这个功能的情况下才应考虑调整该参数。没有必要去专门指定|search=yes

{{Round in circles|search=no}}


The |faqlink= parameter can be used to link to a specific archive page or even section in such a page, e.g. because the FAQ subpage is not named "/FAQ" or because there's a FAQ somewhere else that covers this and related pages:

{{Round in circles|faqlink=Wikipedia:WikiProject Foo/FAQ#BarBaz}}

Use of |archives=no is for the unusual case of pages subject to {{Round in circles}} but which do not use standard archive subpages. It necessarily disables the archive search box which only works on such subpages. The grammar is automatically accounted for when archives are not present but a FAQ is. Examples:

{{Round in circles|archives=no}}

{{Round in circles|archives=no|faqlink=Wikipedia:WikiProject Foo/FAQ#BarBaz}}

The |archivelink= parameter can be used to link to a specific archive page or even section in such a page (but, like |search=, requires that |archive= not be no). It is usually used to point to a /Archives page that is an overview or index of the talk page's archived content:

{{Round in circles|archivelink=Wikipedia talk:Quux/Archives}}

The |topic= parameter can be used to give more specific wording if the talk page only has one particular perennially rehashed subject. Please make sure the value used leads to a grammatical sentence when the template renders. This parameter can take styling, such as italics.:

{{Round in circles|topic=''"nationality" vs. country of citizenship''}}

The |canvassing=yes parameter can be added if the page is frequently subject to attempts to thwart consensus by re-raising the same issue again and again in hope that today's group of editors at the page will, this time, act as a "different parent" and agree with the debator:

{{Round in circles|canvassing=yes}}

A really maximal example:

{{Round in circles
| faqlink     = Wikipedia:WikiProject Foo/FAQ#BarBaz
| archivelink = /Archives
| canvassing  = yes
| topic       = stinky feet


{{Round in circles
| 反复出现的主题 #1
| 反复出现的主题 #2


Template:FAQ templates see also